CEDR Asia Pacific Case management team

The CEDR team has daily experience of working with parties on mediator and neutral suitability and the logistics of setting up a wide range of dispute resolution processes. With up-to-date knowledge of all our mediators and neutrals, they ensure parties select the most appropriate expert to meet their dispute requirements and assist you with the logistics of setting up mediation or other ADR processes.

Our Client Advisers also offer a case management service - a unique added benefit of using CEDR Asia Pacific as your mediation service provider, which includes access to a dedicated Client Adviser throughout the life of the mediation. Read more about our case management service here. To apply or for advice on process design and appointing the most appropriate neutral for your case please contact CEDR Asia Pacific's experienced team on +852 28691816 or email info@cedr.com.hk

CEDR :: Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution

CEDR Asia Pacific

CEDR Asia Pacific's Dispute Resolution Service